Regardless of all usual measures, diet, exercise, surgical care and drug therapy, all complications of diabetic disease are an indication for HBOT. However, HBOT also plays an important role in the prevention of complications.

  • "Diabetic foot" (please, check the part about chronic wounds)
  • Arterial insufficiency I. - IV. degree and diabetic angiopathy: HBOT induces anti-oxidative defense mechanisms important for slowing down the atherosclerotic process and for correction of the existing atherosclerotic changes, and stimulates neoangiogenesis.
  • Diabetic polineuropathy: HBOT enhances motoric functions of peripheral nerves and recovery of peripheral sensitivity.
  • Diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy: HBOT lessens or changes the need for laser photocoagulation that leaves permanent scars on retina.
anti-oxidative anti-oxidative defense arterial insufficiency hbot method oxy treatment hbot therapy